
The Tau chapter strives to create better men during an influential and formative time of their lives, creating proactive habits and healthy connections that are essential to a successful and fulfilling life. Members are held to a high standard and are expected to practice common loyalty, accountability, and responsible citizenship for life.

Social Life

Our fraternity believes that it is important for our members to grow academically as well as socially. Our chapter offers numerous social events which adhere to the guidelines set forth by our university and national organization. We ensure that our members are safe and having fun during all social events. These events include date functions at local venues, a beach formal, and a traditional mountain weekend getaway!


This is our purpose. Through fraternity, we build meaningful connections and relationships. Brotherhood is all about having the tough conversations, enjoying life, and growing together as a family. From the moment a new member signs a bid, he is apart of our family. Through various events and everyday life together, brotherhood will never die in Pi Kappa Phi.

Associate Member Experience

The associate member experience takes place over roughly 6 to 8 weeks. The associate member will at all times be treated with respect and dignity while bonding within the pledge class through positive shared experience. Associate members will learn our chapter’s traditions, chapter’s history, national history, and core values. Our process strengthens the character of associate members and teaches what it means to be a Pi Kapp man.


Our chapter strives to be the highest achieving fraternity on campus. We believe this begins with a good foundation, as our associate member GPA’s consistently ranks the highest at NC State. If a student is struggling we have academic support plans and resources for our members to improve their GPA. It is our goal for all members to graduate on time and feel prepared for their future careers.

Leadership and Engagement

Members will have an opportunity to take on many different leadership roles. Due to our chapter’s organizational structure, members can directly control how involved they are. Members can work in committees, become committee chairmen, or even take on a role on the executive council. We encourage our members to lead within the chapter and outside organizations!

The Undergraduate Experience

Year 1

Student will rush our organization and begin the associate member experience. He will be initiated during that same semester and have opportunities to work in committees. That following semester, the student will be groomed for a committee chair role or find another committee that fits their passion.


Year 3

The member will be among one of the oldest groups of our chapter. The member will be a leader whether or not he is in a formal leadership role. The member will begin to tap into our many resources like Pikapp Connect to help find jobs and internships.

Year 2

The member will start the school year as a member of Pi Kappa Phi. He will assume roles with recruitment. When fall elections come around, the member will choose to be a committee chairmen, executive board member, or pursue other avenues within the organization.


Year 4

The final year will be one to remember. The member will experience his final tailgate and date function. He will continue to participate within the organization and will serve as a mentor to his little brother and younger members. He will also continue to use our resources to find jobs and internships as he prepares to graduate NC State.